Vein Finder Device

India’s reputed vein finder manufacturer, Products are designed to enable medical professionals to perform easy, fast vein access. Vein-SEE®, A pocket-sized, handheld device helps practitioners fast locate veins for vein puncture and Fewer IV Access Failures so increases their success rate with Vein-SEE® access.

The Unique shaped design stretches the skin for easy needle insertion and stops vein from rolling during access. It uses specific color led wavelength combination for better penetration into the skin thus easy find out veins. Vein-SEE® led which do not have IR and UV radiation and there is no any side effect so It is very safe for all age of patient Vein SEE® produce a ring of bright light which is focused down and to the center of the ring. When a Vein SEE® is placed on the skin, the light uniformly illuminates the superficial tissues inside the ring. De-oxygenated blood in veins absorbs the light so veins show as dark lines within the illuminated area. Placing gentle pressure on the Vein SEE® stretches the skin and engorges the vein for easier needle insertion through the opening in the ring.The orange LED produce the best wavelength of light for absorption by de oxygenated blood in veins, so the orange light gives the best contrast for vein viewing The red LED are used because they produce light with a longer wavelength that travels deeper into the tissues and penetrates darker skin better.

Vein SEE®s are really great in low light situations. If you work nights in a hospital, you can place IVs without switching on the lights. If you are a paramedic who starts IVs outside at night, or in any dark situation, you will love our portable vein SEE® as they give an even better view of the vein when the ambient light is low.

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